Rita Sinclair
Rita Sinclair is a mum, a daughter, a sister, an Aunty, a friend. She is also an artist, a teacher, a voracious reader, a lifelong learner and a lover of all things creative.
Born and raised in North Queensland, Rita spent all her hard earned pocket money growing up on books or art supplies. Today she has been teaching high school students for over 20 years and enjoys spending time with her family, travelling adventures and losing herself in a good book.
Rita was compelled to respond to the Remember illustration competition to honour her grandfather, uncle, cousins, neighbour and friends who have all spent time serving overseas in the various armed forces. She has witnessed the effect their service has had on families at home and how those that have served have struggled to adapt to life on their return. There are so many untold stories and Rita feels it is important to retain the human element in the story of war. To remember the sacrifice while they are away but just as importantly to honour, support and walk beside them in the dark times and struggles with PTSD and other issues when they come home. Look beyond the numbers and statistics and remember and continue to honour the people.
What an amazing project that J E Miller has created to benefit the returned servicemen and women. It is an honour to be a part of it.